Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Starting Over...Again.

Hello blogland,

After working way too much, eating too much, not sleeping enough, and feeling very stressed I have finished all of my events at work and feel ready to start devoting myself to weight loss the way I had before. I think I just forgot how much it actually takes to devote myself to this and I keep thinking, it should be easier if I already did it...but I really think about that time and it was the number one thing in my mind almost all the time. So, anyway, I am feeling more confident and committed to this than I have in a long time. So that's that.

Anders and I have decided to go to Ecuador over Thanksgiving and it provides a really excellent goal for losing weight and making my leg better so that we can do all of the physically demanding/amazing activities there are like mountain climbing and swimming and hiking and walking miles and miles and miles. So very excited.

On Monday we decided on a whim to go to St. Croix river. For $40 you can rent a canoe, life jackets, and get a shuttle to pick you up and take back the canoe. It was really fun and I'd highly recommend it. It was a perfect day.

Turtles are cute.

"We're canoing!"

On the shuttle home.

My goal tonight is to grocery shopping with a couple of recipes in mind and cooking and the Y tomorrow. Off to my gentle yoga class.

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